Olivia Asuncion Profiled by Fulbright for Inclusive Design Advocacy

Categorized as Firm News, Media Mention
Olivia Asuncion

QKA Project Architect Olivia Mae M. Asuncion was recently profiled by the Fulbright organization for her research work in the Philippines and how she applies these findings in her work designing schools and advocating for accessible buildings and community spaces. The piece notes that Asuncion’s Fulbright research marked a crucial step in her investigation of how the built environment affects educational access. During her time in the Philippines, she discovered that ensuring accessibility extends beyond legislation, necessitating a deep commitment to meeting the diverse needs of all individuals. This holistic approach now informs every aspect of her work as she advocates inclusive design as a fundamental human right. 

Link to article: https://www.fulbrightprogram.org/olivia-mae-asuncion/