Mark Quattrocchi Receives Long-Awaited Honor at In-Person ACIL Gala

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This past weekend, A Chance In Life (ACIL), an international nonprofit that provides shelter, education and food for youth within self-governed communities, honored Founder and Principal Mark Quattrocchi, FAIA as the organization’s Honoree of the Year. While the gala was delayed multiple times by the pandemic, Mark’s recognition marks a decade of his involvement with the organization. Thanking those involved with the mission across the globe and those supporting ACIL’s valuable work through advocacy and donation, Mark highlighted QKA and ACIL’s shared purpose to help children learn and grow. He encouraged attendees to recognize the invaluable opportunities we all have in both our personal and professional lives to wield our time and talents to make an impact.

Congratulations to Mark for leading by example to create lasting change. May the culture of service you and Steve worked to build here at QKA echo into countless communities for years to come!